A wonderful ancient tool has found its place in the modern world of healing. ACE Massage Cupping™ evolved from the common practice of cupping therapy, and the incredible results that this simple treatment produces have truly impressed those who experience its subtle power. By creating suction and negative pressure, ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy is used to soften tight muscles and tone attachments, loosen adhesions and lift connective tissue, bring hydration and blood flow to body tissues, and drain excess fluids and toxins by opening lymphatic pathways. ACE Massage Cupping™ bodywork is versatile and can easily be modified to accomplish a range of techniques, from lymphatic drainage to deep tissue and fascial release. This complements many health modalities ranging from spa treatments to medical massage.
ACE Massage Cupping™ is fun and result-oriented … and the treatment FEELS GREAT!
How is ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy accomplished? The cup is positioned over the area of the body to be treated and suction is created using a vacuum gun or bulb. The more traditional method involves inserting a flame into a glass cup to create the vacuum. The suction level can range from light to heavy, and the movements performed by the therapist can be stimulating or sedating.
ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy is not an irritant to the skin or body. It draws the inflammation out, yet does not add to it. The skin will turn red with strong movements, indicating that circulation has been brought to the surface. Application of liniments, analgesics, plant hydrosols and essential oil blends immediately after ACE Massage Cupping™ bodywork will enable absorption of the product deep into the tissue. Increased local blood supply to the muscles and skin will bring nourishment and allow for toxins to be carried away via the veins. Conditions of chronic and acute pain can be relieved with minimal discomfort and tense muscles softened quickly and easily. ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy is wonderfully effective as an addition to a massage or other therapeutic service.
Another effective application of ACE Massage Cupping™ is in the treatment of cellulite. A very light suction provides drainage, while heavier application can be used to stimulate circulation and loosen adhesions or “dimpling.” The thighs and hip region should be treated prior to a wrapping procedure to enhance the absorption of product. Enjoy the feeling of warm, energized skin being painted with soothing algae, mud or gel before being enveloped.
Treatments using ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy include a revolutionary face lifting and drainage treatment and magnetic micro-cup reflexology for the feet and hands. The magnetic equipment is showing great results in the treatment of injury sites, neuropathy and pain.