Pregnancy Massage Located in Mt. Pleasant, SC

Pre and Post Natal Massages are massages that tailor to the specific needs of women who are pregnant or who have recently given birth. Our massage therapists are trained and sensitive to the needs of pregnant or postpartum bodies. For a massage, this means personalized treatment that will get you feeling better while taking into account the safety of both you and your baby.

There are many benefits to receiving a massage during or after pregnancy. Firstly, it is a great way to reduce pain by stimulating soft tissues in your body. This can reduce swelling of the appendages. The readjustment of the body’s posture can put a strain on the hips, joints, and lower back muscles, and special professional attention to these areas can bring forth great results. A massage during pregnancy can also help the regulation of hormones by increasing mood, relieving anxiety and stress. It can even improve labor outcomes!

Natal Massage FAQ

  • Yes! Natal massages are safe and are even beneficial for your body during pregnancy! Always be sure to check in with your healthcare provider before receiving a massage to ensure you will have no complications and that it would be a good fit for you.

  • Our therapists provide natal massages after the first trimester. Some women may not be comfortable with receiving a massage early into their pregnancy to reduce complications, but the choice is entirely up to the individual. Consult with your doctor prior to booking a massage.

  • Yes! Our massage therapists are trained in how to safely, comfortably, and effectively massage prenatal clients. We have supplies specifically for prenatal clients that allow you to lay comfortably on your side without putting pressure on your baby. If laying on your back or side or even sitting up during parts of your massage, your therapist will tend to that need or preference! We want you to be as comfortable as possible so please don't hesitate to let us know how you're feeling during your session!


Our Massage Therapists


Looking for a different type of Massage?

Our team of massage therapists are certified in many other massage modalities, allowing you to enjoy a massage that’s right for you including:

  • Body Cupping

  • Barefoot Massage

  • Thai Yoga Massage

  • Swe-Thai Massage

  • Swe-Lymph Massage

  • Chair Massage