Tips For Finding the Right Massage Therapist 



Finding “your” massage therapist is a process that can take a while.   Often times, it will take two or three tries at different locations to find the massage therapist who “gets you”.  This process can be frustrating, and let’s face it, expensive!  There is nothing worse than going to a massage with your expectations of feeling like a new person, only to feel that you spent your money to have lotion rubbed on your body and listen to relaxing music.   This article is to help you find the right massage therapist for you!

Some tips and tools to know about when you begin your search for that healer you will look forward to seeing once, twice, or multiple times a month!

When choosing a therapist, some helpful qualities and characteristics to look for:

  •  They work a regular schedule- The massage therapist has a set time of hours, and will be able to provide therapy during those times.  They will be at the scheduled appointments, because they aren’t constantly changing hours or running around town for all different appointments.
  •  The massage therapist is professional and accessible- They have a website, email, Facebook, and Instagram page.  They care about their professional image.  When contacted, the massage therapist is prompt and timely with responses.
  • They run on time!  Usually, when a massage therapist has a full day, meaning they are in demand, a must is to stay on time to keep the day running smoothly.  They will be ready for you when you arrive!
  •  The massage therapist has continued their education, with different certifications in their area of focus.  This doesn’t mean just massage therapy, other education to enhance the practice and further your well being are a major plus!
  • People refer to him or her.  They are a trusted provider due to their job performance, knowledge, and skill. 
  • Reviews-They have a lot.  They have helped people and clients have taken the time to write something kind about them to show their appreciation.

Generally speaking, if someone is in private practice, there is a reason.  They are successful in what they do and have been able to sustain and maintain their business.   

Stay tuned for upcoming articles of the benefits of private practice vs. spa massage therapy. 


Alana Long